Monday, July 7, 2008

First Trip to Galena

We moved in to the Galena house when Calvin was six weeks old. I never would have guessed that Nora would beat that, but there she was at only four days old!! I mean, really, who travels with a newborn?! It may have been an unusual decision, but it was a great one.

Calvin was already in Galena after spending a few special days with Grammy & Papa, and this getaway let our new family of four settle into life together in a somewhat neutral place.

I suppose it wasn't a life-changing experience for Nora. While her brother played in the pool, jumping off the diving board, she slept in the shade. While he drove Playskool cars up and down a mini garage, she slept beside him. But bonding occurred. Before jumping off the diving board, Cal would say, "Watch me, Mommy and Nora!". And if you need more proof than that, he shared Pooh Bear with her. That's right, Pooh Bear!

Cal thought that Nora's spot on the floor looked a little off without a pillow and wanted to prop her up with Pooh Bear. Of course, then she looked so comfortable that he needed to join her.

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